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Tracy – Reiki Master Teacher

My journey into reiki started when a friend told me she had recently gotten her teacher training. I had no idea what it was all about but I knew it involved energy and I was all about being able to help myself and my family with their anxieties or stresses.

I asked if she could attune me (open me to reiki energy). It was the beginning to an amazing shift in my life!

Although I was taught the Usui System of Reiki Healing, I found myself connecting to reiki healing more through intuition than through the prescribed steps created for the Usui method. My intuitive method of scanning the auric fields for disruptions and pushing/pulling energy out became my foundation for how I run my reiki sessions. It has helped me locate pain points in my clients, emotional blockages, digestive issues as well as both physical and emotional traumas that were ready for release.

I work with the seven main energy centres in the body to ensure that source energy is flowing freely through each client and I have the unique ability to update and “clean out” their Akashic Records. This ensures that all energies that are not serving them well in this lifetime are released and they can let go of all the extra baggage they may not have known they were carrying.

I have a strong connection with my clients and often tap into my empathic side to feel their physical discomfort, hear their emotional turmoil or help them sort through their feelings. I do this by creating trust and a safe space where they can feel open to sharing with me. I never judge and always meet them at their level of comfort for what they want to work on.

I believe we are all in a journey that will work its way through in our own time and exactly when it’s supposed to happen. I am not here to push anyone way beyond their comfort zone, I am here to support the body in what it knows it is ready to heal and release.

Sending love, light, hope & faith to you in your journey. May our paths cross at exactly the right time they were meant to!

Love – Tracy

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